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Showing posts from July, 2019

Myth About Physiotherapy clearified:Dr. Ashutosh sharma, PT

Top 4 Myths Of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy is not so uncommon as it used to be in earlier days. It’s good to see that more and more people are trusting physiotherapy for treatment but still, there’s a lot of myths out there which need to be cured before they spread in our society. Let’s take them one by one Physiotherapy is painful-  Generally, physiotherapy does not hurt although initially the stretches and exercises may cause slight discomfort; this is primarily due to the fact that the body is not used to such movement; as the body adjust and adapts it will be less painful. Physiotherapists take great care not to cause pain and are committed to the relief and control of pain. Also, the exercises create a slight discomfort within muscles due to stored carbohydrate being used for fuel more rapidly than created, producing lactic acid I can do physical therapy myself-  Your participation is a must, no doubt in that, but every patient still needs the expert care and guidance