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Weather and Pain In Ankylosing Spondylitis- Tips for Ese the Pain-Dr Ashutosh Sharma,PT

  Weather and Pain In Ankylosing Spondylitis- Tips for Ese the Pain. Physiotherapy is a very important part of the treatment for ankylosing spondylitis. A physiotherapist can put together a programme of exercises to improve your muscle strength and help you maintain mobility in your spine and other joints. It’s especially important to exercise your back and neck to avoid them stiffening into a bent position. A physiotherapist will advise you on how to maintain good posture and may be able to offer you hydrotherapy, also known as aquatic therapy. This involves specific exercises for the spine, hips and shoulders carried out in a special warm-water pool. Many people with ankylosing spondylitis find this therapy helpful and continue their programme at their local warm swimming pool.   Keeping active If you have ankylosing spondylitis, keeping active can really help you manage your condition. Regular exercise is good for the range of movement of your back and to stop yo

Physiotherapy is the key to get flexible quality of life in Ankylosing Spondylitis-Dr. Ashutosh Sharma,PT

  Ankylosing Spondylitis     Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritic condition affecting the joints spine and large joints SYMPTOMS  Constant pain and stiffness are generally the first symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis. The pain generally starts at the sacroiliac joint which is located in the pelvis. Some of the other ankylosing spondylitis symptoms include: Bony fusions which are an overgrowth of the bones Respiratory problems which are caused by fusion of the ribs to the spine Acute painful episodes or ‘flares’ after which the symptoms subside Ligament and tendon pain with stiffness in the affected area  CAUSES  The exact cause of ankylosing spondylitis in unknown however we do know that genetics plays a significant role. One of the main causes of ankylosing spondylitis is the presence of a gene called HLA-B27 as nearly 90% of the people who develop ankylosing spondylitis gave this gene. Not everyone who carries the gene will develop ankylosing spondylitis

Is it My Neck Pain is Reason for Headache or Headache causing Neck pain- Dr Ashutosh sharma,PT

Having neck pain alone is challenging enough, especially if it involves neck stiffness and reduced head mobility. When headache is also present, additional problems may include increased pain, visual disturbances, concentration issues, dizziness, or others. Several conditions can cause neck pain and headache. Some conditions may start as a neck problem and then send symptoms up to the head, whereas other conditions begin in the head and send pain down to the neck. Getting an accurate diagnosis is important in order to create a treatment program to successfully manage the condition and reduce pain.   Headaches Caused by a Neck Problem Headaches stemming from a neck problem are usually chronic and vary in type depending on the cause. Common examples include: Cervicogenic headache (CGH). CGH usually begins as a dull ache in the neck and radiates upward along the back of the head, almost always affecting just one side. Pain may also spread to the forehead, temple, and area

Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Low Back Pain-Dr. Ashutosh sharma,PT

  Physical Therapy Approaches in the Treatment of Low Back Pain    Globally, in 2016, low back pain (LBP) contributed 57.6 million of total years lived with disability. Low Back Pain Guidelines regularly recommend the use of physical exercise for non-specific LBP. Early non-pharmacological treatment is endorsed.  This includes education and self-management, and the recommencement of normal activities and exercise, with the addition of psychological programs in those whose symptoms persist.  The aim of physiotherapy treatments is to improve function and prevent disability from getting worse. There is no evidence available to show that one type of exercise is superior to another, and participation can be in a group or in an individual exercise program. Active strategies such as exercise are related to decreased disability. Passive methods (rest, medications) are associated with worsening disability, and are not recommended

Physiotherapy after paralysis/stroke- Know how physiotherapy can help you to recover in Normal Life-Dr. Ashutosh Sharma,PT

  How can a stroke/Paralysis affect my movement? You may experience weakness , or even complete paralysis (called hemiplegia) in the muscles of one side of your body. This can make it difficult to move or use your limbs and get about. Your limbs may move in a different way when you try to use them. For example your hip may move upwards when you want to step forwards, or your elbow may move out to the side when you want to lift something.  The affected side of your body may feel different . Your limbs may feel heavy because the weakness makes them difficult to move, or they may feel numb (like after you have had an injection at the dentist). Some people have more unusual sensations such as pins and needles, hot and cold sensations or feel as though water is running down their limb. Occasionally they can be painful. You may have problems with your posture and balance , making it difficult to stay upright and you may be more likely to have a fall.        Joints on your affected side, su

Parkinson's Diseases -Effectiveness of Regular Exercise& Physiotherapy to Improve Quality of life-Dr. Ashutosh Sharma,PT

  Physical therapy in Parkinson’s disease treatment Physiotherapists are members within a multi professional team, which has the purpose of maximizing functions and abilities and minimizing secondary complications of several diseases.  They use movement rehabilitation within a context of education and support for the person as a whole. In patients with Parkinson’s disease, physical therapy focuses on many functions such as transfer, posture, balance improvement and fall prevention, gait, upper limb functions, and physical capacity (including cardiorespiratory capacity) essential to carry out activities of daily life. All of these goals, worked together with cueing strategies, cognitive movement and exercises, increased independence, and safety, as a consequence, improve quality of life. Some evidence presented in the literature supported that therapeutic exercises applied in individuals with Parkinson’s disease were effective in improving both the motor and nonmotor impai

Physiotherapy Clinic in jaipur-Dr. Ashutosh physio Rx.physiotherapist in jaipur

 Dr. Ashutosh Physiotherapy Rx is a well-established physiotherapy clinic in Jaipur, Malviya nagar having experienced and best Physiotherapist in jaipur, Malviya nagar named My Physio malviya Nagar. My Physio provide holistic treatment to physical ailments. My physio malviya Nagar is one of the latest fully equipped Physiotherapy clinic hub in jaipur that sorts all your aches under one roof in no time. Its a leading therapeutic clinic in the heart of jaipur which asserts best services to a variety of ailments permanently. My Physio physiotherapist in jaipur handles multiple clients with bear minimum sessions, providing quick healing compared to the others. Be it the ambience, the treatment or the consultation at my Physio malviya nagar aims at offering the best a physiotherapy clinic in jaipur you could avail. My Physio malviya nagar stands out in providing individual care and assistance to each of its clients, its one of a kind clinic in jaipur which aims at making their clients feel