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Physiotherapy for Paralysis /Stroke in jaipur - Neurology Physiotherapy Specialist Dr. Ashutosh Sharma, PT

Physiotherapy treatment for Paralysis

The physiotherapy treatment provided for paralysis will be dependent upon the cause and severity of the symptoms. This will be established by a thorough subjective and objective neurological assessment in the clinic or in the home environment. Following the assessment, there will be the opportunity to discuss your goals and expectations of physiotherapy treatment.

Physiotherapy treatment for paralysis may focus on:

Muscle strengthening

Stretches to maintain muscle length and joint range of motion

Core stability exercises

Dynamic balance work

Transfer practice

Re-education of walking pattern

Sensory stimulation

Facilitation of return to hobbies/driving/work

Functional electrical stimulation

Provision of walking aids and equipment

The benefits of physiotherapy are:

Increased muscle strength

Maintain range of movement and muscle length

Improved core stability

Improved sitting/standing balance

Improved co-ordination and sensation

Improved posture

Improved ability to complete transfers

Improved walking pattern and stamina

Improved ability to carry out day to day activities

Exercises to complete at home independently or with family

All patients with paralysis benefit from physiotherapy, no matter what the cause or stage of the condition. At My Physio Neuro Physiotherapy we have an in-depth understanding of paralysis and are committed to improving a patient's independence and overall quality of life.

Specialist physiotherapists with valuable experience working with individuals with paralysis
Discuss and set your own goals of treatment
Use of objective tests to measure your improvement every month
No waiting lists
Treatment at any stage of the condition
Treatment at home or in the clinic
Access to written report of your progress
Access to functional electrical stimulation
Access to speech and language therapy
Access to occupational therapy

For Further info call-8971523209


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