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Showing posts from September, 2020

Back pain?? Is this the Cause?? Dr. Ashutosh sharma,PT

 🔈 ILIOPSOAS TIGHTNESS CAUSED BY INGUINAL LIGAMENT DISFUNCTION  🔒 ANATOMY & FUNCTION The Inguinal Ligament is a constricted band of thick fibrous connective tissues which are present in the pelvic region of the body. These tissues arise from the external oblique and course through across the groin and attaches to the front part of the iliac spine. The inguinal ligament forms the floor of the inguinal canal and provides support to the passage of structures through the canal. The inguinal ligament supports the muscles which course inferiorly to the fibers of the ligament, including the iliopsoas muscles. It also supports the femoral vein, artery, and nerve along with other blood vessels and nerves of the lower extremities as they course through the pelvic area. This support is important to maintain the flexibility of the hip and supply nutrients and blood supply to the lower extremities. 🔒 PAIN SYMPTOMS AND DIAGNOSIS According to a peer-reviewed report published in the Ochsner Jou

World Physiotherapy Day 2020-Dr. Ashutosh Sharma,Physiotherapist in jaipur after covid 19 rehabilitation

World Physiotherapy Day takes place on the 8 th of September every year to raise awareness on physical health and mobility. The theme for 2020 focuses on rehabilitation and Covid-19, the worldwide pandemic that has the entire world under lockdown.       What is Physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a field of science that deals with immobility, musculoskeletal impairment, neurological impairments and physical ailments. Practitioners called physiotherapists may prescribe exercises, massage, or mobilization to help the patients become more mobile. This rehab may depend on the severity and type of injury. Physiotherapy is of utmost need in professional sports training where athletes can consult and make improvements to their training routine. Many different ways of recovery such as foam rolling and kinesiology taping provide the person with relief while increasing range of motion, strength and stability as part of their recovery journey. Rehabilitation and Covid-19 The theme for