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World Physiotherapy Day 2020-Dr. Ashutosh Sharma,Physiotherapist in jaipur after covid 19 rehabilitation

World Physiotherapy Day takes place on the 8th of September every year to raise awareness on physical health and mobility. The theme for 2020 focuses on rehabilitation and Covid-19, the worldwide pandemic that has the entire world under lockdown.




What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a field of science that deals with immobility, musculoskeletal impairment, neurological impairments and physical ailments. Practitioners called physiotherapists may prescribe exercises, massage, or mobilization to help the patients become more mobile. This rehab may depend on the severity and type of injury. Physiotherapy is of utmost need in professional sports training where athletes can consult and make improvements to their training routine. Many different ways of recovery such as foam rolling and kinesiology taping provide the person with relief while increasing range of motion, strength and stability as part of their recovery journey.

Rehabilitation and Covid-19

The theme for this year’s PT Day is ‘rehabilitation after severe respiratory illness’ and the role that physiotherapy and physical activity can have in helping people through recovery. The theme focuses on rehabilitation and COVID-19, which has taken a significant toll on people all over the world. Research suggests that physiotherapy may be beneficial in the respiratory treatment and physical rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2.

Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the world being shut down. Hospitals prepared for the surge in positive coronavirus cases. This lead to delay in care for patients affected by other ailments. This year’s theme focuses on delivering physiotherapy via online mediums due to social distance and risk of infection in public places. Coronavirus being a respiratory illness will be one of the core components of this year’s theme.


Importance of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is not just reserved for athletes but also normal people. People facing injuries due to an accident or injury can greatly benefit from the services of a physiotherapist. Aside from exercise and other forms of rehabilitation and relief, a physiotherapist can also mentally guide a patient through the process of recovery which is of utmost importance. The in-depth study that physiology involves when it comes to human biomechanics helps them structure out a proper recovery path for every individual. This will aid in faster recovery and decrease in impaired movement.

5 benefits of physiotherapy for geriatric population



The physical outcome and cost benefits of physiotherapy cannot be overstated. The treatment modalities can help restore movement, maintain balance, manage pain, and speed up recovery in patients afflicted with acute and chronic pain. It allows elders to stay healthy and live in the comfort of their homes without dependency on others. On World PT Day, Dr Selvam A, chief physiotherapist, Jindal Naturecure Institute, Bangalore, reveals some of the most apparent health benefits of physiotherapy for the elderly:

  1. Maintaining independence: Physiotherapy allows elders to restore and maintain their mobility, balance, and physical activity levels. These three are essential in maintaining an independent lifestyle for elders at home. Studies have shown that normal physical function also improves elders’ overall health by enhancing their social and psychological well-being. The longer they maintain an active lifestyle, the greater their degree of independence. Mobility restrictions are one of the main reasons elders seek help. Going out to buy even essential supplies, climbing stairs, and using the bathroom are challenging activities. Physiotherapy can help elders perform these tasks more easily, or at least maintain their current state and prevent further decline.
  2. Recovery from fractures: Physiotherapy sessions can help elderly patients recover from fractures more quickly. If they are hospitalised after a fracture or after an illness or accident, physical therapy can help them gain the mobility and physical strength they enjoyed before the episode. By learning the techniques of physiotherapy and exercises that help them stay mobile and maintain balance, they can avoid future mishaps.
  3. Stabilisation and strength building: Elders often go for physiotherapy because they feel unstable or weak while walking. Fear of falling is one of the main reasons people over a certain age stop exercising or engaging in risky physical activities. Regular physiotherapy sessions in a controlled environment are the most effective way to build strength and reduce the risk of falls.
  4. Preparing for and recovering from surgery: Physiotherapy before and after surgery can decrease the amount of time during which patients feel uncomfortable and remain incapacitated after surgery. Pre-surgical physiotherapy ensures that the patient is healthy and is well prepared for the surgical procedure. Physiotherapists use techniques to stimulate circulation and ensure that the cells and tissues get the oxygen and nutrients they need to stay healthy. Post-surgical physiotherapy is the easiest way to increase physical activity levels and gain more strength.
  5. Pain management: Physiotherapy can reduce the intensity and provide relief from many types of pain. Neck pain, back pain, and leg pain are often caused by stiffness, poor circulation, and lack of physical activity. Since physiotherapy is performed in a safe and controlled environment, it is ideal for elders looking to improve their blood circulation and increase the amount of physical activity they get gradually. It leads to a reduction in pain and boosts energy levels. Physiotherapy is particularly effective in reducing the pain caused by arthritis. Joint pain caused by arthritis can be quite debilitating, and the more pain patient experiences, the less likely they are to exercise, which exacerbates the pain.

Qualified physiotherapists use several techniques for pain management and rehabilitation. These include personalised programmes designed to improve strength, mobility, and function, joint manipulation and mobilization to reduce stiffness and pain, and a combination of techniques to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and speed up healing of tissues. Patients with breathing difficulties areadministered airway clearance techniques. Elders suffering from incontinence are trained in exercises designed to help them gain control of their pelvic floor. Patients with advanced conditions are prescribed supportive, adaptive, and protective devices.

Physiotherapy plays an essential role in ensuring that one stays healthy and strong as the age advances. For elders, it is like having their own personal trainer who knows exactly what to do so that they can regain near full functional ability. Apart from treating patients, licensed physiotherapists recommend activities that can help the elderly stay healthy and independent for as long as possible. If there is an elderly member in the family suffering from any of the aforementioned problems, get in touch with a qualified and licensed physiotherapist to evaluate treatment options.





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