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Showing posts from January, 2018

Physiotherapy Awareness program by the JNU Hospital and medical college- Dr. Ashutosh sharma,physiotherapist jaipur

Good food choices are good investments..with physical fitness it's a Life time treasure....!! Organised Physiotherapy Awareness program by the JNU Hospital and medical college for the The travelling kitchen food festival at paanigrahan garden Jaipur. Give an talk on the disorders related to posture and lifestyle and benefits of Physiotherapy Exercises in them with assessment of Patient on site with manual therapy treatment. About Blogger Dr. Ashutosh Sharma joined the MY PHYSIO team in 2015 after post-graduating from the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health and Sciences (RGUHS). Dr. Ashutosh Sharma has a particularly keen interest and enjoys treating Neurological diseases such as Parkinson and Paralysis physiotherapy and pain management of joints including shoulders, back and ankles. He  is an enthusiastic and compassionate physiotherapist who loves working with people of all ages. He uses his knowledge into the recent evidence surrounding Diseases/injuries and management

My Physio Tips #4 -physiotherapy clinic at its Best

PHYSIO TIPS #4 Watch your Posture -Sit close to your work station -Keep the key board at a level that doesn’t require much reaching and isn’t too high or too low -Keep your monitor at eye level -Sit with your legs flexed at 90-degree angle with your feet resting comfortably. Correct Your Posture with Ese Exercises either it's Slough or its forward head posture. Call-8971523209

Benefits of Stretching

Benefits of Stretching •    Enables flexibility •    Decreases risk of injury •    Promotes blood circulation •    Reduced soreness •    Improve energy levels •    Increase stamina •    Fortifies posture kindly give as a calland find out how physiotherapy can help you-8971523209

Ankle Sprain-Most common Injury for Active individual and Athletes.

Ankle sprain is Most common injury in active individuals and athletes. Estimated 61 Ankle sprains/10000 people every Year and Accounting 30% of sports injury. Severity of Ankle Sprain kept in three Categories. Grade-1 - ✓Streching of ligament ✓ limited dysfunction ✓pointed Tenderness ✓No laxity ✓Able to bear full body weight, ✓minimal or No edema. Grade-2 ✓Partial tearing of ligaments, ✓pointed or Diffuse Tenderness ✓ moderate Dysfunction ✓pain in full weight Bearing,may required support for ambulation ✓mild to moderate Edema Grade-3 ✓substantial tearing of ligaments, ✓pointed or diffuse Tenderness ✓ moderate to severe Dysfunction, ✓moderate to severe Laxity ✓Limited to no ability for full weight Bearing ✓Severe Edema Self examination -If you are Not able to take full body weight or there is diffuse swelling arround ankle or pain increases while moving ankle. You should contact Your Sports Physiotherapist First as soon as possible for ankle

Very good treatment provided by Dr. Ashutosh sir. Highly recommended-Best physiotherapy clinic in jaipur

 MY PHYSIO Patients Speaks!! Very good treatment provided by Dr. Ashutosh sir. Highly recommended. Dr. Sandeep chiraniya. To book an appoinment best physiotherapy clinic in jaipur-8971523209

Happy Makar Sankranti -30%off on Physiotherapy Consultation and Treatment Packages.

Happy makar Sankranti!! Wishing God's abundant blessings fill your life with happiness and pleasant surprises this Happy makar Sankranti and always. #makarsakranti #myphysio #myphysiohomecare #physiotherapy Get  30% off on Physiotherapy consultation and Treatment Packages!! Call Now-8971523209

कमर दर्द,साइटिका,स्लीप डिस्क, कमर में अकड़न,झुकने में कमर में दर्द,फिजियोथेरेपी उपचार,बेस्ट फ़िज़ियोथेरेपिस्ट इन जयपुर,

क्या आपकी कमर में दर्द है। क्या आपके पैरों में सूनापन और झनझनाहट रहती है। क्या आपकी कमर अकड़ी हुई रहती हैं। ओर आप दवाईयां खाकर परेशान हैं। या आपको दवाइयां असर नही कर रही है। तो आपको ज़रूरत है फिजियोथेरेपी उपचार की।। फिजियोथेरेपी उपचार दवाई रहीत उपचार हैं, जिसमे कमर दर्द का ईलाज इलेक्ट्रोथेरेपी,एक्सरसाइजथेरेपी,मैनुअल थेरेपी,स्ट्रेचिंग एक्सरसाइज द्वारा किया जाता है। अभी कॉल करें  My Physio-फिजियोथेरेपी क्लिनिक के अनुभवी डॉक्टर को ओर अपना अपोइन्मेंट बुक करें ,औऱ दर्द से निजात पाये।। कॉल-8971523209 वेबसाइट

Back Pain!! Best Physiotherapy treatment for Back Pain

Mechanical low back pain   (LBP)Any pain in the lower back & buttocks is a low back pain. It may accompany a route to the legs (either front or back). Affected individuals should immediately report to a Physiotherapist or an Orthopedic Surgeon. Though its is not a life-threatening illness but at the same time it is one of the most commonly reported problem. In India almost 10 million cases are reported every year. There are alot of causes for low back pain but most common ones include poor posture at work & leisure, wrong lifting techniques and very less common cause includes trauma (fracture or tearing of soft tissues) or any systemic metabolic disorders. Unfortunately, it does have a far-reaching impact on medical care expenditures for injured workers. The proper application of physical therapy, analgesic medications, and selected injections (when warranted) can produce a positive impact on the functional outcome of mechanical low back pain (LBP).Patients may need regular

My Physio-physiotherapy clinic in Jaipur

My physio-Physiotherapy Clinic. No Pain It's Possible without Medicines!! My Physio Provides you Physiotherapy Treatment including ✓Orthopedic Physiotherapy ✓Sports Physiotherapy ✓Neurology Physiotherapy ✓Geriatric Physiotherapy ✓Obs & Gynecology Physiotherapy ✓Pediatric Physiotherapy ✓Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy ✓Corporate Fitness Physiotherapy Visit For More Update. Call Now- 08971523209

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma- Best Physiotherapist in Jaipur

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma joined the MY PHYSIO team in 2015 after post-graduating from the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health and Sciences (RGUHS). Dr. Ashutosh Sharma has a particularly keen interest and enjoys treating Neurological diseases such as Parkinson and Paralysis physiotherapy,slip Disc Physiotherapy and pain management of joints including shoulder pain, back pain and ankles. He is an enthusiastic and compassionate physiotherapist who loves working with people of all ages. He uses his knowledge into the recent evidence surrounding Diseases/injuries and management to provide optimal care to his patients. He is an Assistant Professor in Jaipur National University College of Physiotherapy, Jaipur. He has been associated with various physiotherapy organization, this has helped him to broaden his rehabilitation knowledge; in an area that he holds great passion. To Book an Appointment contact-08971523209 visit-


KNEE PAIN/ARTHRITIS- SAY NO TO YOUR KNEE PAIN It's the right time you consult a Physiotherapist!! Do you have pain in your Knees?? Painkillers not working?? Cannot sit on ground, climb stairs or unable to walk?? Arthritis can cause pain and inflammation in any joint in your body, but it’s especially common in the knee joints. Swelling, stiffness, and pain can prevent you from doing daily activities, including walking for long distances and going up and down stairs. There are many different forms of arthritis. Each causes pain and discomfort, and in severe cases, disability. The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 52.5 million adults in the U.S. were diagnosed with some form of arthritis each year from 2010 to 2012. It’s also a leading cause of disability, causing work limitations and a higher risk of fall and injury. Recommendations : If you’re walking a long distance, take br