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suffering from pain-Dr. Ashutosh Sharma,PT

Are You Suffering from any kind of pain or sports injury that restrict you to play.
its a paralysis or facial palsy or cerebral palsy a disorder of children,parkinson-age related neuro degenrative disorder of old age.

A physiotherapist will help you in various age from pain to no pain or paralysis to normal life.
differently abled child to abled child.

kindly give us a call and find out how physiotherapy can help youin lot of ways.

MY PHYSIO is the first integrated clinical center in Jaipur. Established in 2012 by a Team of Physiotherapists & 9 clinic was based on their belief in providing the best patient care by optimising diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation under one roof in Different area of city. Apart from clinical set ups My Physio has been providing services in different sectors like:
My Physio Home care – (Physiotherapy at Home ) MY PHYSIO is leading service provider in Home care segment taking care of post surgical cases of orthopedics  like THR/TKR, neurological conditions (stroke/paralysis/spinal cord injuries) etc.

We regularly treat: Bone and joint (ORTHOPEDICS)  Problems,Sports Physiotherapy & Sports training,Parkinson & Paralysis (stroke).

For more information call-8971523209


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