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ARTHRITIS KNEE PAIN-How physiotherapy/Physiotherapist can help you?-Dr. Ashutosh sharma(PT)

What is arthritis?

Arthritis means inflamed joint, when the joint is inflamed it can be sore and stiff. Sometimes it can be hot, red and swollen. People with arthritis can find it difficult to do everyday things such as getting dressed, walking to the shops, cooking and playing sport. More than half a million indians will be affected by arthritis at some time in their life. There is currently no cure for arthritis, but there are effective treatments, physiotherapy can help.

Which area of your body limits your physical activity?

■     Neck or shoulders
■     Wrists, hands or fingers
■     Hips or knees(Most common)
■     Lower or middle back
■     Ankles, feet or toes 

How physiotherapy/Physiotherapist can help you?

A physio can help you manage your arthritis and continue (or return to) an active life doing the things you enjoy. Physio can also help with;
  • Managing your pain
  • Becoming stronger, fitter and more flexible
  • Staying active and independent
  • Avoiding or delaying the need for surgery

Exercise and arthritis

my physio physiotherapist will work with you to develop an exercise plan that's right for you. This may involve some strengthening,stretching exercises,manual therapy for correction of jaint biomechanics with help of electrotherapy treatment including TENS,IFT,ULTRASOUND. It'll also include general activities such as walking, cycling with highly placed seat,swimming or whatever you enjoy that's beneficial to you. Your physio will help you get the right balance between activity and rest so you keep active without feeling undue pain.

Exercise can help you:

■ reduce joint pain and stiffness
■ increase flexibility and range of movement
■ build stronger and healthier muscles, bones and cartilage
■ relieve tension
■ control swelling
■ manage your weight
■ improve your heart and lung function
■ sleep better
■ reduce tiredness, anxiety or depression
■ reduce the risk of dangerous falls
■ improve your posture.

The definition of “flare-up” is a temporary worsening of the disease process. If you have arthritis, you’ve probably experienced a flare-up at some stage. Your disease may seem to be well under control for a while, and then suddenly your joints become inflamed and painful. You may feel unwell and over-tired.
While you’re experiencing a flare-up,If you still feel pain after 24 hours we advise to visit to nearest My Physio-physiotherapy clinic in jaipur. 

Simple tips for managing an acute flare-up:
-added exertion on the affected limb or joint, as this could make things worse.

-We recommend you protect the affected joint by using a splint or other support, and avoid adding any strain or increase in weight. However, if pain and swelling allow, try to maintain the range of movement in the joint.

-It’s important to use appropriate pain relief medication or physiotherapy  treatment while experiencing a flare-up.

Once the flare-up has settled, try to return to normal levels of activity. Long periods of inactivity or reduced movement leads to decreased strength, increased stiffness and faster deterioration of the joints.
■     A COLD PACK  provides relief.Place the cold pack over the affected part for 10-15 minutes, 2 to 4 times a day to reduce swelling.This is not recommended for people with Reynaud’s phenomenon.

■     RELAXATION TECHNIQUES: BREATHING EXERCISES-Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth can encourage deep, slow, regular breathing. Take your breaths from your abdomen rather than your chest, and it may help to count while you breathe. Breathe in, count 1, 2, breathe out, count 3, 4, 5.

■     PROTECT YOUR JOINTS -When planning exercise anddaily activities, make sure you protect your joints. Joint protection is about using your body in different ways to reduce the amount of stress on sore joints.

CONSERVE ENERGY - Make sure you respect pain. If you feel pain during an activity, stop and take a rest. If you still feel pain after 24 hours visit to nearest My Physio-physiotherapy clinic in jaipur. 

Other tips to help you conserve energy during a acute pain.
1.PLAN – Write down a plan for your day and include rest periods. Consider your energy levels and plan your most active tasks for when you have the most energy. Try to alternate light and heavy activities.

2.PRIORITISE – While writing your plan, rank the importance of your day’s tasks. If an activity is low on the list, let it go!

3.PACE – Pace yourself and incorporate rest periods in between activities. Spread your workload out into manageable bites, rather than trying to tackle all your tasks at once.

4.PROTECTION – Do your best to avoid strain or staying in the same position for too long.

5.POSTURE – Maintaining good posture helps conserve energy, while bad posture will make you feel more tired. Consider how you’re holding your body when sitting, standing, doing exercise and other activities

Can i start my physiotherapy with medical treatment?

Yes you can......!!
Your physiotherapist assists with the physical side of your treatment and your doctor with the medical side. Your physiotherapist will work closely with you and your doctor to share information and review your treatment.
An effective treatment plan may include a combination of exercise, proper use of medications, a balance of rest and relaxation, a healthy diet, joint protection techniques and strategies to conserve energy.

kindly Give us a Call and Find out HOW PHYSIOTHERAPY CAN HELP YOU  IN KNEE PAIN.


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